RAL/CGD JOINT SEMINAR- Global Change Research Needs and Opportunities for 2022 – 2031

Seminar - RAL Seminar Series
Jul. 14, 2021

1:00 – 2:00 pm MDT

Main content

This talk will present the key points of this report from the National Academies Committee to Advise the U. S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) offering input to USGCRP on the development of its new 10-year strategic plan scheduled to be released in 2022. The themes of scale, equity, and science-to-action are woven throughout the report.
The US Global Change Research Program has coordinated global change research across the federal government for over three decades. It is an interagency program that was established by congress under the Global Change Research Act in 1990, and consists of 13 federal agencies, including NSF, DOE, EPA, DOI, NASA, DoD, etc.
Among the key recommendations are the following: 1) apply an integrated risk framing approach to identify research priorities for the next ten years; 2) accelerate the integration and communication of research on coupled human and natural systems to advance understanding of effective options to manage urgent climate change risks; 3) prioritize research related to managing risks; 4) explore organizational and operational changes to enhance relevance and effectiveness of its work.
Linda will also discuss implications of the recommendations for future research directions at NCAR.

Linda Mearns, NCAR