Hybrid (30-second for CONUS and 5-min elsewhere) 16-category soil texture map. a) data file: (1)topsoil30snew.gz: 0-30 cm soil texture (Unit: integer, ranging from 0 to 16. 0: missing point) (2) botsoil30snew.gz: 30-100 cm soil texture (unit: see above) b) resolution: 30-second c) program: read_texture.f To save the disk space, all input data are in character strings (either 1-character string (for land-use, land-water, vegetation fraction) or two-character string (for soil temperature)). The program provided here is used to transfer these characters into integer. d) Note: Data start at latitude 90 and longitude -180. The file is in direct access format and each direct access record contains data in one latitude circle beginning at -180 degree longitude, and ending at +180 degree. The data are arranged to start at northernmost latitude (north pole) and end at south pole e) Note: The FAO two-layer 5-minute 16-category global soil texture maps are remaped into global 30-second regular lat-lon grid. Within CONUS, the soil texture is then replaced by the 30-second STATSGO data obtained from http://www.essc.psu.edu/soil_info/index.cgi?soil_data&index.html. The dominant soil texture from 0-30 cm (30-100 cm) from multi-layer STATSGO soil was selected to match the FAO soil depths and to produce the top (bottom) soil texture.